Home » Tunisia: Arrest of Four High-key Terrorists
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Tunisia: Arrest of Four High-key Terrorists

Tunisian security forces have rounded up, in two separate operations, four terrorists condemned in absentia for pertaining to terror groups, Tunisie Numerique reports.

A unit of intelligence services from the National Guard in Monouba and Terouba, two towns near capital Tunis, arrested two men in the first operation. The men had been condemned to one to seven years in prison for belonging to a terror group.

Another unit of the National Guard during a patrol in the city of Sfax and nearby town of Mahres arrested two individuals wanted for terrorism.

The two men had been condemned in absentia to four years in prison for belonging to a terror group.

Tunisia since 2015 has been under State of emergency in the wake of a string of terror attacks in 2015 that claimed the lives of dozens of people, mainly foreign tourists.

Late October 2023, counterterrorism security forces arrested in Zaghouan governorate 12 men forming a terror cell allegedly preparing terror attacks. The security forces seized cells phones, laptops as well as electronic gadgets during the arrest operation. The alleged terrorists have been handed over to the judiciary which ordered their detention for terrorism.

Source: The North Africa Post
