Home » Tunisia and Italy Mull Programs on Immigration, Crime Fighting
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Tunisia and Italy Mull Programs on Immigration, Crime Fighting

During a phone call between Tunisian Interior Ministry Kamel Feki and his Italian counterpart Matteo Piantedosi, both parties affirmed their commitment to enhancing collaboration on immigration issues and combating organized criminal activities, including human trafficking networks.

Tunisia and Italy signed on Friday a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to manage the legal flow of Tunisian immigrants to Italy.

The MoU provided an annual quota of 4,000 non-seasonal residence cards over a span of three years for Tunisian workers in Italy.

Located in the central Mediterranean, Tunisia is one of the most popular starting points for illegal immigrants as they attempt to sneak into the Italian island of Lampedusa, which is only about 80 km from the Tunisian coasts.

Source: FG
