Home » Tunisia: Starlink Partner for Broadband Satellite Project
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Tunisia: Starlink Partner for Broadband Satellite Project

The Tunisian Ministry of Communication Technology has signed an agreement with Starlink, the US satellite communication company.

Under the agreement, both organizations conduct a three-month pilot project for installing broadband satellite technology in specific regions. The aim of the project is to provide high-speed internet and reliable internet access to remote areas of the country.

Starlink will provide modifiers and satellite reception equipment for field testing in three cities; Tunis, Ariana, and Gabès. This initiative will help to establish the necessary regulatory frameworks for satellite technology and also assist in monitoring the performance of satellite internet services in the country.

This partnership between Starlink and Tunisia provides an opportunity for the country to explore the potential of broadband satellite technology. In this trial period, the country will assess the benefits and feasibility of implementing the technology within its communications infrastructure.

Source: Geospatial World
