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Egypt’s FM Conveys President Sisi’s Message to Tunisia’s Counterpart

Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry met with Tunisia’s President, Kais Saied, on Tuesday, August 8, relaying a message of appreciation and greetings from Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi. The spokesperson for Egypt’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Ahmed Abu Zeid, highlighted the continuous growth in the bilateral relations over recent years and fondly recalled the historic visit by President Saied to Cairo in April 2021, marking a significant milestone in the ties between the two nations.

During their meeting, Minister Shoukry reaffirmed Egypt’s and President El-Sisi’s strong support for the actions and efforts undertaken by President Saied and the Tunisian state. These initiatives aim to foster a brighter future for the Tunisian people, achieving stability and development in the country.

Ambassador Abu Zeid further elucidated that President Saied expressed profound appreciation and sent his regards to President El-Sisi during the meeting. He emphasized the alignment of views between the two leaders on regional and international issues and challenges. President Saied deeply values the support Tunisia receives from its sister nation, Egypt, in confronting various challenges. The discussion also covered several regional matters of mutual interest, including the situations in Sudan and Libya, the Palestinian issue, and the challenges posed by illegal immigration. Both nations stress the importance of addressing these topics in the spirit of solidarity, coordination, and safeguarding national and regional interests.

Concluding his statements, the Foreign Ministry’s spokesperson emphasized the mutual determination to continue bilateral coordination to achieve the desired goals for both countries. President Saied expressed his keenness to maintain the existing consultation and coordination mechanisms at the ministerial level, ensuring a unified stance on various issues and jointly elevating the level of relations between the two countries. 

Source: Sada Elbalad English
