Home » Around 8,000 Jewish Pilgrims Are Expected in El Ghriba Synagogue From May 4 to 9, 2023
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Around 8,000 Jewish Pilgrims Are Expected in El Ghriba Synagogue From May 4 to 9, 2023

The annual Jewish pilrigmage to El Ghriba Synagogue starts today and runs until May 9, President of the Organizing Committee of the Pilgrimage of El Ghriba Perez Trabelsi told Tunisie Numérique local correspondent in Medenine on Thursday.

The island of Djerba is expected to welcome around 8,000 Jewish pilgrims, the same source said.

The El Ghriba synagogue on the island of Djerba is the oldest synagogue in Africa and one of the oldest in the world (2600 years old). It is one of the 31 sites and monuments included in the nomination of the island of Djerba as a World Heritage Site.

The annual pilgrimage to the El Ghriba synagogue is an opportunity for cultural exchange, peace and coexistence.

Source : news-tunisia.tunisienumerique.com
