Home » Tajikistan Will Increase Cotton Production and Reduce Its Export
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Tajikistan Will Increase Cotton Production and Reduce Its Export

In Tajikistan, 25 thousand hectares of land have already been sown with cotton, which is just over 13% of the plan. In total, Tajikistan plans to grow 426,000 tons of cotton this year on 186,000 hectares of land.

Meanwhile, along with the increase in the production of raw cotton, the authorities intend to reduce fiber exports by 17%.

This means that more enterprises and jobs will be created in the republic due to the growth of cotton processing.

Earlier it was reported that at present light industry enterprises of Tajikistan process only one fifth of the cotton fiber produced in the country.

At the beginning of this year, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic named cotton one of the priority crops for 2023.

Two types of cotton are mainly grown in Tajikistan – ordinary and Egyptian cotton – the fiber yield of which is from 30 to 40 percent.

According to the profile departments of the country’s economic bloc, over 100 cotton ginning factories operate on the territory of the republic, producing more than 100,000 tons of cotton fiber, of which only about 20,000 tons per year are processed by textile enterprises.

According to ifcmarkets.com, world cotton prices are between $80-86 per 100 pounds (45.36 kg). That is, the price of 1 kg of cotton is about $1.8, but according to experts’ forecasts, it should rise to $2.2 by the summer.

Source : Asia Plus
