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Eva Kaili: The two reasons why she remains in prison

Speaking to ERT, Sven Mari spoke of 7,500 pages of file while in response to a question about why Eva Kaili called her father and not the police when she found the suitcase with the money, he noted that he will not comment on its content folder.

New statements about Eva Kaili’s pre-trial detention were made by her Belgian lawyer, Sven Marie, while he also explained why he sees her daughter twice a month and not every day.

Speaking to ERT, Sven Mari spoke of 7,500 pages of file while in response to a question about why Eva Kaili called her father and not the police when she found the suitcase with the money, he noted that he will not comment on its content folder.
Referring to the reason she sees her daughter twice a month and not every day, the lawyer emphasized:

“Humanly we have to understand that a mother at this stage, who has not committed murder, who has not committed a terrorist act, who is not a drug dealer, who is a woman who was vice-president of the European Parliament, who today it became a kind of trophy and a symbol… I think we should also think about the role of the mother that she has, a role that she played very well” said Sven Marie and added that “so today it’s a hassle if she sees the child for an hour, it’s an inconvenience after 35 minutes when it has to leave.

So now Eva Kaili sees her child twice a month, for two or three hours. This is the possibility that the prison offers and he takes it as he took it last Saturday.”

Why is he still in prison?

He also noted that there are two reasons why Ms. Kaili remains in prison.

“The first is not to destroy evidence and the second is that he should not come into contact and collusion with people who could potentially be arrested or testify.”

“I don’t know what could disappear. I believe there is no evidence that he could make them disappear. The second point is the contact with the other protagonists of the case or with witnesses. I think this could have happened a long time ago.

First, Ms. Kaili has a phone in her cell, just like the other inmates in the prison. If at some point they want to chat with other people, it has a phone and can do that. But he never did. We must know that all phone conversations are recorded and listened to by the police. I believe that Mrs. Kaili should not have remained in custody all these months.

This is the first item. He could easily, by waiting until other people’s hearing is done. Could her booking be done at her home? So she would have the opportunity to see her child every day. I believe this is important. It is about a child who will soon be two years old.”

Source : Neakriti
