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Central African premier holds talks at Russian Defence Ministry


The Prime Minister of the Central African Republic (CAR), Felix Moloua, met in Moscow with the Russian Defence Ministry leadership on Thursday (19 January), Russian news agencies reported.

Interfax reported that the two sides had discussed regional security issues. The ministry said they “noted the importance Russian-Central African ties within the defense sphere”

Russia has been playing with France for influence in Francophone Africa in recent years, especially in the CAR (a country of 4.7 million people that is rich in gold and diamonds).

The CAR government has received support from hundreds of Russian operatives since 2018, including some from the Wagner Group, a private military contractor, in fighting rebel insurgents.

Dmitry Syty (head of the “Russian House” representative office) was severely injured in Bangui, CAR capital, when he opened a bomb mail package.

France, the former colonial ruler dismissed accusations by Yevgeny Prizhin, Wagner founder, that it was to blame.

Source: EU Reporter
